I hate this tool.
If you are packing for one or two people I am sure this is a useful tool, though I would consider going for the cheaper, simpler version.
With this version you need to be very patient when making your lists as each item on your list has to be classified several times e.g. clothes - underwear - briefs/boxers/panties/ bras/ sports bras etc. which is time consuming.
I pack for a family of six. Using "expert packer" I am told, amongst other things, to pack 30 T-shirts. I cannot easily define which family members I want to pack which items of clothing for and that is annoying. I am sure there is a way to get round this problem, involving much new defining of categories, but having wasted money on the app I dont also want to waste my time figuring out how to do that. So its back to pen and paper for me, Im afraid.
LS9 about Packing Pro